What could be more fun than petting kitties and eating yummy food? The fact that all the kitties here are adoptable from Fishtales Animal Rescue and the cafe has a great adoption rate in the short time they’ve been open is an added bonus.

What is a kitty cafe? It’s a trend that started in Japan – basically, a place where you can hang out surrounded by nice kitties. Visiting is straightforward.  You can reserve slots in advance (recommended, since they limit the number of people in the cat room), show up a few minutes early to order your beverages/snacks (not required, but a nice treat and the proceeds go to help the cats),  then go into the kitty room at your designated time.  There are usually around a half dozen kitties in the room with you – some sleeping, some wanting to cuddle, some wanting to play – you just go with the flow (they are kitties after all!).

Besides the adorable decor, the food is great. Lots of beverage choices, including kombucha on tap, and the yummiest empanadas.

The cafe has its own seating and is separated from the kitties, so you can always come in for a coffee or tasty bite, and just say hi to the cats through the window.